Hospital Price Transparency

Page Updated: May 31, 2024

CHA Advocacy Principle: Health care transparency efforts should be timely, accurate, and meaningful to improve the consumer experience and health care affordability.

What Has Been Completed:

Origin: Multiple bills have been passed over the last few years related to CMS hospital price transparency as well as reporting hospital financial data to HCPF.

Federal Price Transparency: CMS has set out new format data specifications for hospital’s machine-readable files that go into effect on July 1, 2024, and Jan 1. 2025. CMS has released an online validator tool that hospitals can use to test their machine-readable files against the new requirements. More resources can be found here.

Hospital Financial Data: The one-time report and annual report (with updates from HB 23-1226) are due on July 1, 2024. HCPF joined CHA’s April Regulatory Update call to discuss the new requirements – see recording below.


Meetings/Dates of Note:

    • June 30, 2024: Quarterly reporting due
    • July 1, 2024: One-time report from HB 23-1226 and annual reporting (including updates from HB 23-1226) due

CHA Staff Contact: Adeline Ewing, CHA manager, public policy, [email protected]