Hospital Transformation Program

Page Updated: Oct. 10, 2024

CHA Advocacy Principle: Support member hospitals and health systems in the transition to value.

What Has Been Completed:

Origin: The Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) is a five-year quality improvement program that ties provider fee-funded hospital payments to hospital-based incentives.

Background: Hospitals participating in HTP must complete Community and Health Neighborhood Engagement (CHNE) and reporting on metrics. Hospitals are in year one of this program and began reporting in the summer of 2022.

Outstanding Items:

The Inpatient Hospitals Transition (IHT) program will stand in as the replacement measure for Severity Adjusted LOS (SW-PH1-Severity Adjusted LOS) on BLANK. This measure asks each hospital to make one referral to a Regional Accountable Entity on a complex discharge case. Additionally, it asks hospitals to complete the 30/60/90+ questionnaires on that very small subset of Medicaid members who are inpatient for long stays IHT also requires hospitals with Level 3 and 4 NICU’s to submit one referral per member to the member RAE. 

HCPF and CHA will also begin exploring future iterations of HTP during the winter of 2024.


Meetings/Dates of Note:

    • N/A

CHA Staff Contact: Richard Bottner, CHA vice president of quality improvement and patient safety, [email protected]