Modifications to Civil Involuntary Confinement (M-1 Holds)
Page Updated: Oct. 11, 2024
CHA Advocacy Principle: Reforms to regulations must be rational to ensure resources are focused on patient care and to enable shared decision-making between patients and their care providers.
What Has Been Completed:
Origin: In the 2023 legislative session, Colorado made significant changes to the statute that governs the process for involuntary and voluntary screening and treatment for mental health services.
Background: While originally scheduled to go into effect July 2023, following advocacy from CHA, the procedural changes were delayed until January 2024 and reporting until July 2024. CHA is continuing to work with the BHA and other stakeholders on development of these regulations. CHA submitted extensive comments regarding draft changes to the regulations that govern this process on June 23, 2023. In November 2023, the State Board of Human Services approved the final version of the BHA provider rule packet. These rules went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, but the BHA is providing enforcement flexibility through July 1, 2024, with exceptions for violations that impact health, safety, and welfare. CHA worked closely with the BHA and achieved 18 significant changes to the rule packet before it was finalized. The BHA released a guidance document on access to cell phone changes.
Outstanding Items:
House Bill (HB) 22-1256, Modifications to Civil Involuntary Commitment, requires use of this form for all emergency mental health holds and must be completed by specified licensed professionals. The BHA previously released this form in 2023, but following feedback from CHA and others, elected to revise it.
The final version will be available on the BHA website starting Oct. 1, and must be fully in use by Jan. 1, 2025. Training on the form is available upon request.
What You Need to Do:
- Review the Draft Evaluation: Access the draft of Standardized Evaluation M-7.5 here.
- Provide feedback: Complete the feedback survey by Sept. 27.
- Implement the Form: Ensure that the finalized M-7.5 Standardized Evaluation is fully integrated into your practice by Jan. 1, 2025.
- Recording of CHA Behavioral Health Council Inpatient Training (Feb. 12) Passcode: p1&VN+qA
- Recording of CHA Behavioral Health Council Inpatient Training Part 2- Feb. 20) Passcode: B?Q&c4j^
- Final Version of the BHA Provider Rule Packet
- CHA Advocacy Successes
- CHA Oct. 6 Letter on Rule Changes
- CHA Sept. 8 Letter on Proposed Changes
- CHA’s June 2023 Comments to the BHA on Proposed Changes
- CHA Issue Brief- Modifications to Civil Involuntary Commitment
- BHA Involuntary Mental Health Treatment Page
- 4 BHA Slides on 27-65 Regulatory Reform (slides 61-78)
- March 3 Letter to the State Board of Human Services
Meetings/Dates of Note:
- BHA Stakeholder Calendar
- July 1, 2024: Reporting changes go into effect
CHA Staff Contact: Megan Axelrod, CHA senior director regulatory policy and federal affairs, [email protected]