Continuity of Operations Planning Online eLearning Instructions

The online eLearning platform for the CHA-sponsored Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) education by Wakefield Brunswick has been upgraded. The previous eLearning platform is no longer available, so please take this opportunity to register to access your online continuity and emergency operations education and resources.

New Features of Note

  • SINGLE USER ACCOUNTS – Each registered participant receives their own log-in and profile using their name, email, and password.
  • UPDATED AND NEW COURSES – We will be launching courses in the future on this same platform allowing participants to sign up for additional courses when they go live!
  • DASHBOARDS – Each participant has their own dashboard which shows courses, progress, and profile information.
  • TRACK PROGRESS – Once you complete a module (watch the video, download the files), it will be marked as “complete”. Participants can revisit content at any time, but will easily find where they left off during their last session and the progress they have made.
  • SURVEY – A course completion survey is available to you at the end of the final module: Management. This survey will help us evaluate the new platform and how it’s working for you. Your comments are highly valued and help us improve our offerings.

Directions to Sign-up

  • Click on
  • Click: Enroll for free
  • Enter your First and Last name, plus your email and an account password
  • Engage with the course as you normally would, and your dashboard (top left corner) serves as a place where this course and any future WB courses can be accessed
  • Access your account by clicking your name in the top right corner of the dashboard
  • Customize with your profile picture, update your time zone, company or organization name, and professional title upon registering

Have questions? Send a message to [email protected].