Training and Exercise
CDPHE OEPR Training Site –This link will take you directly to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response training and exercise site. From this site you will find multiple local, regional and national training and exercises resources.
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response / Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE) – This link will take you directly to the ASPR TRACIE site. ASPR TRACIE was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness.
FEMA National Incident Management System and Incident Command System Training Site – This link will take you directly to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute site. From this site you can be connected to a multitude of independent studies and in-person training opportunities in regards to the National Incident Management System, Incident Command System, and all-hazards position specific training.
Center for Domestic Preparedness – This link takes you directly to the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness site where you can find disaster and emergency training specific to multiple different disciplines. A few of the many discipline specific training areas include healthcare, emergency medical services, public health, hazardous materials, citizen/community volunteer and transportation.
CMS Emergency Preparedness Training – The Emergency Preparedness Basic Surveyor Training Course is a required course for all State Survey Agency (SA) and Regional Office (RO) surveyors and reviewers who conduct or review health and safety or LSC surveys for emergency preparedness requirements. Non-survey professionals and other SA or RO support staff responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations are also encouraged to take the course.
Disaster Medicine: Sepsis – The module provides recommendations to identify and manage sepsis under austere conditions. The training features insights from four federal physicians with extensive experience with the challenges of delivering critical care during disasters and public health emergencies.