Don't Risk Hospitals, Patient Care

A Note to Colorado Policymakers

As the legislative session gains steam, Colorado lawmakers face a daunting double-edged sword. On one side is a state budget shortfall of nearly a billion dollars. On the other is the likelihood of major federal changes that could dramatically slash crucial funding to our state. Given this delicate and dangerous sword, state policy must be crafted more carefully and cautiously than ever. In the health care space, the current level of uncertainty and financial instability

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Threats Coming from All Sides

Hospital Finances Are in Trouble

More than 70% of Colorado hospitals provide care with unsustainable margins. The combination of growing expenses, regulatory requirements, and increasing administrative and reimbursement challenges have destabilized our hospitals.

Fewer Patients Have Insurance

After the pandemic, half a million Coloradans lost Medicaid coverage. Those patients still need care, and hospitals provide it without getting paid for it.

Worrisome Federal Proposals

The federal government is considering policies that would hurt Colorado patients by curbing access to the care they rely on.

Billions in investment already: Colorado hospitals fund $5 billion for the state’s health care system with current payments for Medicaid, HCPF administrative costs, out-of-network hospital rate setting, Colorado Option rate setting, and more. See how it adds up.

What can we do?

Colorado hospitals and health systems know we are facing challenging times. During the 2025 legislative session, we are pursuing proactive legislation that will help patients and hospitals despite the difficult environment: