Hospital Transformation Program
The Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) is a Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF)-led initiative with statutory goals of improving access, quality, efficiency, and integration across the health care continuum for beneficiaries of Health First Colorado, the state’s Medicaid program. The five-year, value-based program began in 2021 and will conclude in October 2026.
Hospitals work from a menu of more 30 measures, some mandatory and others optional. Over 85 acute care hospitals in Colorado participate in HTP. More than $1 billion is at risk for Colorado hospitals throughout the course of the program, which distributes funds based on the performance of individual hospitals. The Colorado Healthcare Affordability and Sustainability Enterprise (CHASE) Board oversees the program.
CHA administered a survey in late fall of 2024 to better understand member experiences related to HTP and had 100 percent participation. Read CCLE’s report on those findings here.

Improving the Hospital Transformation Program
Participant recommendations for the next iteration of HTP
ED ALTO Data Submission FAQs
SBIRT in the ED (HTP-BH1) – Resources coming soon
Resources coming soon
HTP ED ALTO Data Collection
HTP ED ALTO Resources
- Data One-Page Overview
- ED ALTO Measure Data Manual (updated 12.9.22)
- For questions/support on the data submission process, contact [email protected]
- Submitting data to CHA for the HTP ED ALTO measure recorded webinar
This webinar is designed for hospitals that have chosen to submit data to CHA for the HTP ED ALTO (HTP SW-BH3) measure. Details of the data submission process, as well as working with CHA on analysis and visualization of the data are discussed.
View slide handout
- Template for HTP Implementation Plan for ED ALTO (SW-BH3)
- HTP Implementation Plan Glossary of Terms
- ECHO Webinar Series – Completing the HTP Implementation Plan for ED ALTO (SW-BH3):
Session 1 – Changes to the HTP ED ALTO Measure Specifications
In this webinar, CHA staff walk step by step through the HTP ED ALTO (HTP SW-BH3) measure, explaining exactly what has changed from previous iterations and what hospitals need to note to achieve success in this measure.
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Session 2 – HTP ED ALTO Measure Planning and Implementation
This webinar reviews each question of the HTP implementation plan section III.A, implementation overview, noting the key components hospitals must include to receive full points for the HTP ED ALTO (HTP SW-BH3) measure.
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Session 3 – HTP ED ALTO Measure Implementation Plan Milestones
This webinar reviews the HTP implementation plan section III.B, describing in detail the milestones hospitals will need to meet to be successful in the HTP SW-BH3 (ED ALTO) measure, the phase each milestone will fall under, and the applicable functional areas and documentation for each milestone.
View slide handout
ED ALTO Data Submission FAQs
By signing the CHA Data Use Agreement for ED ALTO, hospitals are indicating they would like to work with CHA on this measure and will receive future communications regarding data submissions and analysis. If you are interested in submitting data to CHA for benchmarking purposes only and do not want CHA to submit data to HCPF on your behalf, please email [email protected].
Yes. CHA is discontinuing the collection of data for the ED ALTO project and instead shifting all data collection and analysis to the ED ALTO for HTP metric, so there will be some changes. Review the data manual closely with your IT or data departments to ensure you are submitting the right data to CHA. Note CHA is no longer collecting NPI data. You will need to go to a new SharePoint site, which you can access here to submit your data. Although you will also be able to access the analyzed data in the same place in ODHIN, the visualizations will look different.
As of June 1, CHA has discontinued use of the old ED ALTO project dashboard. Hospitals will no longer be able to access past data they have submitted to CHA or visualizations of that data. All data moving forward will be collected and visualized for the purpose of assisting hospitals with the exact specifications of the ED ALTO metric for HTP. Hospitals should focus their attention on the new analysis and visualization as they exactly reflect the HTP measure.
Most importantly, you should be working with your data/IT team to generate a report of your raw data to submit to CHA. Generating reports can be time consuming, so start working with the right individuals now to ensure you are able to submit the appropriate data to CHA when the time comes. All the information you need to generate a report to send to CHA should be in the CHA ED ALTO for HTP data manual. Please contact [email protected] if you have additional questions.
Yes. The slides and video of the CHA webinar explaining how to utilize the SharePoint site can be accessed here. Instructions on how to look at your analyzed data in ODHIN will be forthcoming. You can always schedule time to speak with the CHA Data or Quality and Patient Safety departments to further understand your data and how you can utilize that data to make improvements.
Yes, two people from any organization can have access to the SharePoint site. The individuals who have access to the SharePoint site can then share the data they receive back with as many people as are included in the DUA. If the main point of contact(s) changes during the HTP period, email [email protected].
CHA has set a tentative deadline of July 15 for hospitals to begin submitting their first month of data. Please note this is a soft deadline as hospitals may still be working on many steps of this process. If any hospital is not ready to submit data by July 15, please let CHA know and a team member will try to help address any barriers that remain to data submission. Data should be submitted on the 15th of every month throughout the duration of the Hospital Transformation Program.
CHA is requesting that hospitals submit data monthly. Not only will monthly data submission allow for a smoother process of submitting data, but it will also allow hospitals to better understand their data. By submitting and viewing their data as regularly as possible, hospitals can make improvements and better glean if those improvements are impacting their ultimate goal.
No. The only data that should be submitted to CHA is data for emergency departments in hospitals. Free standing EDs that are part of a health system or urgent care centers affiliated with a hospital should not be included.
No. CHA has access to that data and will filter per the inclusions and exclusions on your behalf.
No, hospitals do not need to report the indication for the ALTO, and hospitals should report the ALTO administration regardless of indication. Additional details on what should be submitted to CHA can be found in the ED ALTO for HTP data manual.
You should list the medication as “hydrocodone-acetaminophen,” but you should list only the opioid dose under the “dose” column.
List the medication as “lidocaine, racepinephrine-tetracaine,” and then list the number of administrations and dose of the ALTO only.
After CHA has transformed your raw data, matched it with the CHA claims data, and analyzed the data, you will receive a new file in the same SharePoint site where you submitted the original data. Additional details on this data and process for validating this data will be forthcoming and is only required for hospitals who will be entrusting CHA to submit their data to HCPF.
Only the specific data requested for the ED ALTO measure will be submitted to HCPF. This includes only summarized data and will not be at the patient level. CHA will NOT send any additional data to HCPF that is not required.
CHA is happy to partner with your organization to analyze and visualize your data. Please let CHA know if you are not interested in having data submitted on your behalf. If you also do not plan on using CHA data to submit to HCPF, and thus will not need to validate your data, you also do not need to sign the data use agreement. Previous agreements between member hospitals and CHA will cover the analysis and visualization of ED ALTO data.
Yes. For hospitals to see benchmarking and comparison data, they will need to submit data to CHA. If a hospital is submitting data to CHA for the purpose of seeing benchmarking data, please let CHA know and the Association will not submit data to HCPF on your organization’s behalf.
If you have any questions about data collection, data submission, ODHIN or SharePoint access, data analysis, or anything else related to the ED ALTO for HTP measure, please contact [email protected].