Colorado ALTO Project Resources
The Colorado ALTO Project, based on the 2017 Opioid Safety Pilot, is a permanent change to the prescribing practices in Colorado’s emergency departments. It is an evidence-based program that institutes the 2017 Colorado ACEP Opioid Prescribing Guidelines in way that is sustainable and effective. The Program is designed in a train-the-trainer style so that it can be implemented in new EDs by each facilities’ project champions after they have received training from Colorado Hospital Association experts. The trainings cover four key areas of ED staff: physicians and advanced service providers, nurses, pharmacists and IT/data support groups. The Association has developed training materials, guidelines and in-person training sessions to help each ED implement the ALTO Program successfully. To be as successful as possible, each facility should consider taking the following steps:

Step One:
Pre-Launch Phase
1.1a Executive Readiness Packet – Download here
1.1b Opioid Safety Gap Assessment (for health systems and associations) – Download here
1.2 Opioid Safety Commitment Form – Download here
1.3 Pre-Launch Checklist – Download here
Step Two:
Training & Development
2.1 Train and prepare facility staff using these links or the materials below
2.2 Develop data collection system
Step Three:
Project Launch
3 ALTO Project launch in the ED